
Archive for January, 2009

Simple Mom posted about setting goals for the new year.  I like this new perspective on the traditional new year’s resolutions.  Here are a few of my goals for the coming year:

Continue maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and make changes to make it even healthier.  One of my goals for 2008 was to develop healthier habits.  I was able to meet this goal by eating healthier foods and exercising.  I would like to continue my healthy eating habits, learn more about nutrition, and use that knowledge to tweak my snacks and meals.  I would also like to exercise more often, and change up what I do.  I plan to spend time finding things that I enjoy doing, and then commit to doing an activity every day.

Post new blog articles at least three times a week.  Since I started my blog, posts have been a bit sporadic.  This year, I plan to write regularly so that readers will not be left guessing when the next post will be.

Organize my home to improve efficiency, and allow more free time for crafting and spending time with Mike….and keeping it that way!  This is a really big one for me.  I think each year, probably since I started making new year’s resolutions, I said something along these lines.  I start with the best intentions, but as I get further into the first week year, life always seems to take over.  This is going to be the year!!  I’m all grown up, and it is time for me to start keeping my room (and the rest of my house) clean.

Pay off all our debt and start saving money.  Of all my goals for the year, this one actually seems the most feasible to me.  Mike and I were almost able to pay off all our debt this year, but we were not able to set aside as much money during the holidays as we had hoped.  When we get to the point where we are able to start saving, I would like to discuss more of our financial goals together.

Over the next few days, I hope to have a concrete plan to reach my goals for the year.

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